Support our Vision with a Donation!

Our generous contribution can make a world of difference in supporting our organization. Grey Shades envision to enrich the world with the experience of 10 million elders. And, we need your support in achieving our mission. Be a part of our cause with your generous Giving to help us support elders. Your generosity shall brighten lives and pave the way for us to do things bigger and better!

Your Contribution towards a better society for our elders!

We are Registered under 12 A & 80 G, All donations have 50% Tax Exempted.


We appreciate your support. For a RECEIPT, kindly ensure you share the following details via Email/WhatsApp:
Full Name: [Your Name]
Address: [Your Address]
Aadhaar Card Number: [Your Aadhaar Card Number]
PAN Card Number: [Your PAN Card Number]
Screenshot of the Payment: [Attach the Payment Screenshot]

Email at:
Contact: +91 88811118522

Helping our Elders, Enriching our Lives

Your contribution means the world to us and will go a long way in celebrating and supporting the incredible lives of our senior citizens. Thank you for being so supportive!

If you would like to join the Grey Shades Fellowship Program

kindly drop in your information for us to get back to you.